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There's so much love inside you
It glimmers in your eyes
With a simple smile, you drive away
The dark of night
Your voice is a lovely song
That sweetly calls my name
Your simple touch can tell me
Everything's okay

With your love, you can make this world a better place
So, share your love
Could you share it with me?

Love's not love 'til you give it away
'Til you open your heart and send it my way
Oh baby, set love free and in time, you will see
If it's really meant to be
Love will come back to you
Come back to you with me

There's so much love inside you
I know that you can see
I can build my world around you
If you'd share it with me
Your voice is a lovely song
That sweetly calls my name
Your simple touch can tell me
Everything's okay

With your love, you can make this world a better place
So, share your love
Could you share it with me?


Share your love
Could you share it with me?


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