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I want to sing a song of love
And with one voice, with one song
We can sing together

Lord make us strong
Make us belong
And if we fall
Help us build always undivided
Love is the key in unity
Let share His love with another
We are one... we are...

One bread One body One people
United we stand divided we fall
if we put our trust in the Lord
There'll be melody love and harmony
In every heart

Teach us to pray Lord everyday
Show us the way help us feel
Your loving kindness
Love is the key in unity
Let share His love with another
We are one... we are...

One bread One body One people
United we stand divided we fall
If we put our trust in the Lord
There'll be melody love and harmony
In every heart

There'll be melody love and harmony in every heart

One bread One body One people
United we stand divided we fall
If we put our trust in the Lord
There'll be melody love and harmony
In every
There'll be melody love and harmony In every heart....

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